
The Bond of Friendship

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Imagine a lonely life with no one to talk to when feeling down or have no one to share the deepest of secrets with. There would be emptiness, a void, a deep solitude. Having friends is much like surrounding a person with love, happiness and warmth. They are there in the best and worst of times without question. Friends are companions with whom fun and laughter are enjoyed. Friendship is an essential in life that can be taken wherever one goes, and that can be counted on no matter what arises. It is not uncommon for children to bond at an early age, growing closer as the years go by. For instance, two little girls may play together with dolls, board games, and have fun playing dress-up. As time goes by, they begin to share life's disappointments and confide in one another. Childhood blossoms into adolescence and then into adulthood. The trust and bond grow deeper, as fond memories are made. But what happens when those two young women are forced to separate due to changes such as different schools, or perhaps one of the families move? True friends remain together even when miles might separate them. Distance does not endanger the friendship, because the two friends stay in touch by phone, texts, emails, and even face-to-face chats on their computers. The same scenario may apply to a group of close friends who are, one day, scattered across the globe. Somehow, space cannot damper the cherished relationships. Simply put, friendship is not broken by time or distance, because. It is something that is taken with a person and carried in the heart. Friends share so very much together, though they may not always see eye-to-eye. As in any relationship, arguments can happen, and different viewpoints, actions, and decisions made by friends may cause a slight disconnect. However, a friend always has the best interest of her pal in mind. She will be there to support, love, and comfort her friend even if she doesn't agree with everything that friend

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