
Citizens United - Political Action Committee

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"Citizens United" is a Political Action Committee that gives corporations the right to spend an unlimited amount of money to convince people to vote for a certain candidate. The committee was created in January 2010 and since then has brought over $600 million to the 2012 election cycle (Opensecrets RSS). The Citizens United PAC also has some problems, outrageous donations have been made to some campaigns that sway that campaign and seem to sway the decision. Although, corporations have the right to donate unlimited money and they don't have to tell anybody how much they spent (Dunbar). These corporations should have a limit on how much money they can spend on campaigns. Making a limit on the money donations would allow the election to be more fair by placing a cap so that one company that can't rule over the others in terms of money spent. If there was a cap, the ads paid for by corporations wouldn't have any advantages over the opposing side such as consistency of the ads. Not limiting the amount of money to spend could allow corporations to buy the elections that the corporations choose. The public should have the right also to know the corporations who paid for the ads so they know where the money is coming from and it wouldn't cause any complications of corruption (Bentley). At the same time, by remaining anonymous it exercises the First Amendment by freedom of speech. When people go to vote their vote is anonymous, corporations have the same right. The corporations having unlimited donations could be argued that it's their money so they can spend it however they want, so their company could get the benefits of helping out in the elections. The corporation would donate their money to the election that would most benefit them in the outcome so they could strive (Cameron). Super PACs, parties who accept donations of large sums of money from corporations, are required by law to now report regularly to whom the donations come fro

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