
Overview of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

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There are numerous different mental disorders that people are diagnosed with on an everyday basis. Some mental disorders are genetic, but yet other disorders come from the things that people encounter in life. One mental disorder that is being diagnosed more often every day is called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. This is a disorder that does not discriminate based on genetics, race, age, or even sex. This mental disorder occurs due to events in a person's life. As everyone knows it is natural for humans to feel fear and be cautious in a dangerous time or event. This natural human reaction is called "fight-or-flight" response, and is a healthy reaction a person has that prevents a person from harm. When a person has Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, this normally healthy reaction is changed or damaged. People, who experience this mental disorder, feel they are still always in danger, even when the danger is no longer present. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome is an anxiety disorder people get after they witness a tragic or dangerous event. Some events that can trigger Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome include violent assaults, accidents, military combat, natural disasters, or deaths. People with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome do not know how to cope with the trauma they have experienced These people have recurring memories of the stressful event, or trauma they encountered Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome sufferers feel like they will never get over the event that they have witnessed, or been through They also feel very helpless, because of their encounter Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome makes it very troublesome to get back to regular life and connecting with people they know outside of their experience, after the traumatic event Basically these people are in a constant state of fear, helplessness, and horror It is very interesting to know that Post Traumatic Syndrome is not limited to the people that actually see or go through the tragic event; people who are left to pick up the pieces also exhibit this disorder Not only do these people experience Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, it is more likely for them to have depression, and abuse alcohol and other substances. Basically Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is life halting to people who have already had to go through a tragic event. There are distinct symptoms that people with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome exhibit. These symptoms are reoccurring over a certain amount of time. These symptoms are often broken down into three separate groups. The first group is classified as flashbacks. Flashbacks involve a person reliving their tragic experience or event over and over. Symptoms of flashbacks also include one's heart racing, swelling, bad dreams or nightmares. Post- Traumatic Stress Syndrome patients have scary thoughts of certain objects or situations, which trigger them to re-experience the event. The second category is called avoidance symptoms. This would be when the person stays away from things that remind them of the tragedy they experienced. Characteristics of this category are feeling numbness, extreme guilt and depression, worrying profusely, and loss of interest in current activities. It might seem strange, but these people actually have trouble remembering the event they went through. Certain things can trigger extreme fright that reminds the person of their danger during the event they experienced. This disorder is so powerful that it can even change a person's normal daily routine. The last group would be hyper arousal symptoms. This includes patients being easily startled, being easily angered, having more than normal amounts of tension, and extreme sleeping problems. These symptoms are constant, along with overwhelming stress, as well as difficulty completing daily tasks. These symptoms persist longer than a few weeks. Other symptoms that fall into this category are nightmares, and frequent flashbacks. These people feel very alone, and do not look forward to the future, or feel happiness. It is very hard for these people to relax, and they often over react. It is also common for Post-Traumatic Stress Sufferers to easily feel distracted. All these things sometimes lead to extreme depression and suicidal thoughts. Physical symptoms are experienced as well. These physical symptoms include headaches, gastrointestinal distress, immune system problems, dizziness, chest pain, and other body discomfort. These people really cannot return to normal life before the tragedy, in any way, shape, or form. Their symptoms are constant and may be hard for them to realize, but to everyone else involved in their life are very noticeable. After someone suffering from these symptoms notices them, the next step is to be diagnosed. This requires an appointment with a psychiatrist or a psychologist. These medical professionals speak with the patients suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The doctor speaks with the person to see if they have been experiencing sym

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