
Automobiles in the Roaring 1920s

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The invention and further development of the modern automobile is one that has changed our lives and planet immensely. When the first modern automobiles were produced in the early 1900s they were seen as luxury items and not for the everyday working family, however with Henry Ford introducing the Model T to the mass market pairing with the economic boom of the 1920s, the everyday working family could afford that brand new car. It was during this time that automobiles started to really impact our lives. The automobile has had many positive impacts on society, however there have been some negative impacts as well. Many people have become so accustom to the use of automobiles that they are unable to walk or use a bicycle (Berger). Automobiles also are a major cause of pollution to the earth. They release many harmful pollutants into the atmosphere and produce smog in large cities causing respiratory distress in those with weaker immune systems. Once they are too old to run they are left to rot and litter in scrapyards and forests. Automobiles are also a danger to society as they are a major cause of death, people get in accidents all the time and in some of the more serious ones people are hurt and even killed (Colorado). Although the automobile has had some negative impacts on society, overall their positive impact has been much greater. The greatest and most notable changes the automobile has brought include the changing of the lives of women, the effects on the economy and industries and the creation of suburbia. The only connection made to The Great Gatsby is the time period that the novel takes place in, the 1920s. Changing the Lives of Women The impacts and assistance the automobile provided women in the 1920s in gaining equality to men is very often overlooked although it was a very important aspect. The automobile provided women with the opportunity to leave the house with ease and join men in the public sector and in a more masc

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