
The Problem of Excessive Consumerism

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the interview of “The Overspent American” Juliet Schor states that “The new consumerism which evolved two decades ago involves an up scaling of consumer aspirations, spending and norms” (1). She means the needs of humankind have increased within 20 years and in consequence of the up scaling consumer aspirations, spending and norms, we are unconsciously running out of our finite world. Considering this fact, the new consumerism and materials economy which are based on buying materialistic goods, luxury items and not becoming happy but at the same time destroying the environment, consuming world’s resources is a “system in crisis” according to Annie Leonard. It is a system which relies consuming stuffs .It forces us to follow the advances in technology, fashion and change our perspective of life. In spite of the fact that some authorities advocate materials economy should be a basic part for all of us, it creates problems which directly affects societies and their daily lives in terms of environmental issues, health problems and their rights. Destroying an environment, a place where all of the creatures live, is a crucial issue. As it threatens not only the environment but also particularly us. We as human beings generally wonder which steps our stuff goes through while they are being produced. Annie Leonard , who is an environmentalist and a person who investigates over two decades where our stuffs comes from and where it goes, in her video“ The Story of Stuff” asserts that the first step to produce the stuff is to use of natural resources (2) . Nevertheless, when we are using our natural resources at the same time we are destroying and polluting them. For instance, Leonard touches on this situation by saying “ What this looks like we chop down trees, we blow up mountains to get metals inside, we use up all the water and we wipe out the animals ”(2). Besides; the supply of materials is finite and we will run out o

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