I believe that every stranger comes into your life for a reason. I walk past hundreds and hundreds of people every day. Some are strangers I will never encounter again, and others can be friends, family, or even just someone I put in an effort to smile at. I find myself realizing that it is possible that someone can change from being a stranger to becoming someone very important in your life. The beautiful thing about strangers is you never know what kind of impact they will have on you; whether the person will be romantic or a friend, loving or backstabbing, short or long term. I met this once-upon-a-time stranger about four years ago, during my freshman year of high school. This stranger, Taryn Gettle, started off as a water polo teammate, someone I was forced to see multiple times a day during practice. Becoming best friends with her was easy due to the fact that we have so much in common that we automatically clicked. By spending everyday with her and spending time together on the weekends, it did not take long for us to become so close. Who knew that this stranger would become such an important person in my life. Our friendship is always full of new and exiting adventures such as random day trips to places like Santa Monica and Venice Beach to going skydiving together for the first time in San Diego. We can tell each other everything and anything, and I know that we both will always have each other’s backs. As the four high school years pass by it is now my last twenty-four hours with Taryn. Her new chapter in her life is about to start, as she will be in the Army starting a new life without me by her side. We pull out her black suitcase, check her very short packing list, and gather her belongings. “Okay you need two t-shirts,” I said as I stand in her room and watch her pack her stuff in her tiny backpack. Our time together is ticking down, making me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I can’t text, call, share pictu