According to Wikipedia, censorship is"the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other such entities.” The first line of the given definition contradicts the basic human right to free speech. However, it justifies the violation as it is read further. It is violated for the safety of the government and most probably for the protection of the citizens as well. Despite of the explanation for the existence of the censorship it is important for the citizens to have an idea of what is being censored. It is only human to carry these thoughts in your mind; otherwise you are just another sheep in the herd walking without knowing where!s In the history of our civilization it has always been the writers initiating the efforts to acquaint the society with the real world, without worrying of the consequences. Great philosophers have been defying censorship from time immemorial. Socrates was sentenced to drink poison in 399 BC for promoting his philosophies, while Plato advocates censorship in his essay on The Republic. Two of the 20th Century writers, Ray Bradbury through his Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell through Animal Farm and 1984, bring the nature of Censorship by the authority, its extents and results face to face with the audience. They satirize the totalitarian government for its ways of manipulating people and keeping them in negligence; also predicting the formation of a very possible dystopian society. Orwell in 1984 presents the censorship of thoughts, individuality, lifestyle, freedom, information and so on. The whole history is censored. In 1984 books are being rewritten, buildings are being demolished, statues are being destroyed and paintings are being repainted in order to censor all that speaks against the party. One would not fail to notice Orwell’s prophecies for 1984 turning true when in 1989 the Chinese troops destroy the statue Goddess of Democracy in Tinanmen Square. Not only this, any information about this incident continues to be censored. However, it was rebuilt by Thomas Marsh and is now called the Victims of Communism Memorial. In a dystopian novel most of the society is not able to see the censored world around them. Those who dare to rise, they either give up or go on to live in the ‘world created for them,’ or simply wait for things to change, or they ‘disappear.’ The party kee