
Being a Stay-at-Home Stepfather

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My name is Tom McClain and I am forty years old. I have three beautiful children with my exceptional wife, Jane McClain. Jane and I got married when I was twenty-five and have been figuring out life together ever since. When we started to have kids we both made a mutual decision that Jane was going to work and that I was going to stay home to raise our family. Though stay at home dads are becoming more common it still surprises people when I tell them that being a father is my occupation. "Everything from social expectations to policy sets up dads to assume that they shouldn't- or can't- take care of their own kids alone (Behnson, 2014). Since I do not have a job people have viewed me as a lazy or uncaring father, which is a false stereotype. I have not always been treated well by my peers, but I am proud of what I do and have learned from experience how to showcase that to others.(Question 1&3). The reason I do not work and my wife provides for the financial support of the family is because I was injured in the marines. The injury was so severe that I was honorably discharged and thanked for my services. A year after the accident Jane and I got married. After the wedding I was better, but my body was going to have harsh aches and pains for the rest of m life. My wife knew this and didn't think it was necessary for me to work. Thus deeming the role of a stay-at-home father. At first I didn't want to give her all of the drudgery, I didn't think it was fair. Once I listened to her point and asked questions on how our situation would work I came to the conclusion that she was right. I wasn't healthy enough to take on the role of income producer. Through our communication we both got the chance to understand each other. That helped us move on to the next chapter in our lives, having children. Jane and I didn't take much time starting a family. Eleven months into our marriage Jane gave birth to our first child, Bryson. Two years later she had twins, Hillary and Devon. After each birth Jane went back to work in less than three weeks. Before Bryson was born I rea

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