
The New Age of Music Consumption

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The technological developments of the modern age have made their mark on the business model of the music industry. In 1999, Shawn Fanning created the file-sharing site Napster that revolutionized the way music was spread and accessed. "Napster's immense success planted the seed for today's P2P debacle. On one hand, this innovation sparked the countermovement by the RIAA and other recording companies to curtail infringement. On the other hand, Fanning's concept of dedicated media distribution GUI programs inspired next generations of P2P coders to create iterations of the Napster design even more insusceptible to the current copyright laws. (History and Overview of Piracy) While this particular site has long been shut down, mediums by which people share media are still readily accessible to anyone with Internet. These sites and file sharing software agents are often referred to as P2P networks (peer-to-peer). The Recording Industry Association of America (IRAA) along with other organizations has constructed efforts to hinder copyright infringement and what we know today as digital piracy. Recording companies and artists alike are experiencing the devastating toll that this piracy takes on the sale of music both physically and digitally. Many conscious downloaders thoroughly believe any one person or company should not own the rights to music, therefore advocating the spread of music whether it be through piracy or not. The music industry and organizations like the IRAA are hand-in-hand when it comes to the illegal piracy of music. While there are laws set in attempt to preserve the rights to music, most media-sharing clients have found numerous loopholes in order to stay in the clear and satisfy the market of hungry music consumers. This dynamic dramatically changed the profitability of most recording companies based on what in previous years had originally been fueling the market. There is debate on what ways are most effective to decrease the amount of piracy occurring while others acknowledge that this form of piracy is here to st

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