Question To what extent can an individual control the boundaries control the boundaries of his private life? Response Privacy is one of the most important aspects of social and individual life. The concept of privacy is encountered since very ancient times but privacy is given importance to with its current meaning in the process of technological and social modernization because of the rapid improvements in information and communication technologies and obligations of living communal life make the invasion of privacy very easy. In today’s world threats and invasions towards private life and privacy are caused by not only by government units, but people and private companies even though government’s role is generally emphasized. Mainly, people, private companies and government don't allow individuals to control the boundaries of his private life and technological and social modernization makes harder to control the boundaries for people in the concept of privacy. In recent years, people, institutions and organizations started to handle their work mostly at electronic environment, social networking site became popular and people chose to spend their leisure time on these web sites, as the usage of computer and Internet become widespread and increased, and it entails a risk in terms of privacy. The websites like Facebook or Twitter requires some main personal information such as name, birthday and email address in order to utilize them to communicate with other people. Sharing information to those kind of website poses a risk. How can we be sure that information is not transmitted? It doesn't seem to be possible, because there is a possibility that third parties can obtain the transmitted information or this transmitted personal information can be misused. Theodor W.Adorno who is an academician in ?stanbul Bilgi University claims that these websites serves the mass amusement to