Golf is my favorite sport. It's my passion. Naturally, I love watching golf on television and golf related movies. Two of my favorite golf movies are Happy Gilmore and The Greatest Game Ever Played. The main characters are Happy Gilmore, and Francis Ouimet respectively. Both of these characters lives were dramatically changed and improved by the sport of golf. Both overcame adversity and demonstrated dedication to their game. Each story, unique in its own way, is inspirational, as Happy and Francis each teach us important life lessons, but in dramatically different ways. Both Francis and Happy were born into lower, or working class families. Happy was originally a hockey player that just happened to hit a couple golf balls one day and discovered he was very talented. By contrast Francis had loved golf his entire life. He loved golf so much that he got a job at the local country club as a caddie and loved it. Francis's family was always poor, but Francis knew that if he tried playing golf competitively that he could make money for his family. His father disregarded that idea however, and said that golf was only for the rich and that he should stay away. His made Francis quit his job at the country club and come to work at his family's shop (The Greatest Game Ever Played). On the other hand, Happy got the idea to play golf to make money when his grandmother's house got repossessed by the bank. He and his grandmother are very close, and he dedicates himself to getting her house back for her. Happy needed to come up with $270,000 in order to get the house back, and he was determined to do so (Happy Gilmore). Happy's grandmother always supported him no matter what, and that something that Francis definitely would have wanted from his family. Happy and Francis could not have more different personalities. Happy has a horrible temper when he first starts playing. He is constantly breaking clubs and swearing profusely. This of course is very humorous and entertaining to the spectators watching the match. His temper causes him to lose many matches in the beginning and to lose money (Happy Gilmore). Francis on the other hand is more of how a real golfer should behave. His is calm, co