Manager “A manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals.” Managers perform variety of roles in an organization and are responsible for higher profits, great performance and success of the organization. The managers working activities and functions can be differing from organization to organization as their own specific goals but the role of a manager and its managerial tasks are mainly common in every organization. The most important task of a manager is to create and maintain an internal environment, commonly called the organization, so that others can work efficiently in it. A manager’s job consists of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources of the organization. The Main Roles and Activities of Manager Decision Making A manager makes organizational decisions and handles a variety of problems that arise on a daily basis. He/she identifies the problems; create choices and alternative courses of actions. It involves thinking and planning out strategies on how to improve quality and also being cost conscious and effective. Goal Setting, Planning and Organizing In order to achieve long term goals and commit to strategies for substantial earnings, the manager communicates the vision of the company to the manager subordinates. The manager break down and clarify the goals that each team or individual have to perform and assign work schedules and strategies. Having goals and planning out the directions allow for effective time management and saves cost and resources. Guiding and Giving Directions The manager role as the head of an organization is to guide and give direction so that the team can perform effectively. The manager offers on the job coaching, training and support. In order for individuals to meet the needs and objectives, they may need extra input, information or skills. Hafiz as Chocolate Production, Factory Manager met with the team leaders to discuss and assign tasks and discuss any potential problems. Hafiz ensured all employees undertook a job development review every four months in addition to being advised on a monthly basis how they were performing. In this approach Hafiz felt he was empowering the team. Part of this was ensuring job rotation to allow employees to build their knowledge