
The Concept of Nihilism in Modern Poetry

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Nihilism holds a significant place in Modern art and literature and many masterpieces of the period expressed the idea of Nihilism. It is no wonder that the idea has its own influence on modern poetry as well. The poetry of four prominent modern poets- Robert Frost, W.B Yeats, T.S Eliot and Wallace Stevens- considered as the canonical figures of Modern literature; will be discussed in this essay in light of nihilistic elements in their poems. The 19th century German philosopher Frederich Nietzsche’s name is inseparably connected with the terminology called nihilism as Nietzsche (2001:109) has stated his famous proclamation, “God is dead”. However, God is dead in a sense that his existence is now irrelevant to the bulk of humanity. “And we”, writes Nietzsche, (2001:120) “have killed him”. Nietzsche, through his idea of Nihilism, also rejects, along with the religion, the 18th and 19th century’s Enlightenment philosophy that advocates the superiority of science and rationality. However, the idea of nihilism in modern literature and art came into force, apart from Nietzsche’s philosophy, due to some paradigm shift around modernist age: Darwin’s theory of evolution (questions the Genesis); Marxism(where there is no place of God); and Freud’s theory of unconscious(our mind has layers), and theory of sexuality (we all are desire driven animal); and owing to the mass killing and destruction of First World War in the name of science, rationality and humanity with the assistance of science and technology that brought mass disillusion and unfathomable horror to a world inflected with the unbelievable destruction of a technological war, disproved the mere age-old idea of a history; an inevitable and linear process of human progress. Nietzsche (2001) characterized Nihilism as emptying the world and especially human existence of meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth or essential value. Hence, Nihilist approach has its relation with the Modernist’s sense of plight, despair and anarchy of a war-torn world; shattered of all hope, portrayed in a vivid and prolific manner in Modern literature. A close reading of the poems of the four modern poets- Robert Frost, W.B Yeats, T.S Eliot and Wallace Stevens – shows the first three of them received the idea of Nihilism in a very pessimistic manner. A sense of nothingness, the basic element of Nihilism, is very strong and explicit in the poems of Robert Frost; a sense of anarchy, despair and apocalypses is present with all its vividness and horror in the poems of W.B Yeats. T.S Eliot seems to be the most pessimistic poet in terms of his reaction to Nihilism, of the anarchy, plight, loneliness and pathos in a world without any presence of a supreme being. On the contrary, Wallace Stevens indeed celebrates and enjoys the Nihilism in his poems and seems to advocate a pagan attitude of life. Let us discover the nihilism, the nothingness by ourselves, in their poe

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