There are many similarities between "The Son," by Horacio Quiroga and "A Rose for Emily," by William Faulkner, but there are also several differences. Both these stories are written in a style known as Southern Gothic fiction. Gothic fiction is characterized by a murky atmosphere of horror and gloom and grotesque, mysterious, and violent incidents. These ominous characteristics give both the stories a dark and spontaneous course of event that tend to draw the reader in. Along with a similar setting of dread and gloom, "The Son" and "A Rose for Emily also have identical point of views where the narrator is an unnamed figure that knows about everything taking place. Apart from these similarities there are also the details that cause the stories to be unalike. One of these differences is how the stories are progressed. " The Son is progressed by the father's dread and hallucinations as he looks for dead son. While "A Rose for Emily," is put together with flashbacks, bringing pieces of Emily's past to reveal the superior but twisted mindset of Emily. The use of Gothic fiction in "The Son" entails an eerie setting where death and gloom preside. In northern Argentina the father in the story allows his son to go hunting in the forest while he works during the day. After hours of work he does not see his son return. In distress the father starts to hallucinate during the search for his son. It is not till the end of the story that the reader is finally aware that the son is dead. Before finding this out, it was set to where the reader would believe that the father had actually found his son alive, but in reality his son laid dead dead on the ground and the hallucination the father walking with his son back home was actually nothing but empty air. "The Son," is told in a omniscient third-person point of view where the narrator knows everything taking place. The narrator knows the the thoughts of the father and what was taking pla