?Nicholas Kristof, in his article “For Environmental Balance, Pick Up a Rifle," states that the deer population is growing at a very fast pace, and if there are no actions taken, there will be several threats to the environment. He believes that deer are over feeding in those areas and are destroying the ecosystem. According to Kristof, the deer see the suburbs as salad bars. (Kristof 187) He also claims that many people die in car accidents caused by deer appearing in the middle of the road. Kristof believes that the solution is to encourage hunting in those areas. Kristof enjoys using shocking statistics to prove his point. Rather than giving straight numbers out of the statistics bureaus, he loves using weird ratios. “ it is still true that in a typical year, an American is less likely to be killed by Osama bin Laden than Bambi.” (Kristof 187)This extreme example makes the audience think about the problem for a moment and prepares them to accept his idea. He also mentions that if the population continues to grow, there would be ten deer per square mile. After reading the article, the reader is less likely to remember how many people are killed by deer every year, but they would remember the Osama and Bambi reference. Kristof states that there has been an imbalance in the environment and the main reason for that is because people do not hunt anymore. According to him the humans first reduced the number of the predators and they became the hunters. With the decline of the hunting, and the reduced population of the predators caused the deer population explosion. To back up his argument, he uses evidence from a hunting society. The information might be true, but because it is from a biased group, it is questionable. It would have been more effective if he used a statistic from a neutral party such as a scientific research or scholarly journal. The author shows the opposing ideas in a humorous way. In other words, he makes fun of