
The Many Negatives of Divorce

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Divorce is defined as the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. Although the vow of a marriage ends with the line till death do us part almost half of all first marriages in the United States end in divorce. While Divorce provides a relive form an abusive emotional relationship, it has an over lasting effect on the women, the children and the family as a whole. Overall, most of the effects of a divorce on a family unit are ultimately negative. Divorce often damages the education and social relationships of the children involved, as well as placing emotional turmoil on parents, who are supposed to serve as role models for their children. In the past, marriages used to provide a financial security for women but as employment for women increased, the ideal reason for marriage has become love, and high expectations. Over the recent years the divorce rates have increased drastically, leading to further studies on its effects on the family. Divorce also negatively affects the emotional and social aspects of children's lives. Due to the low income of a single parent, it means that the parent has to look for more jobs and not have enough time to provide emotional support and supervision to the children (Opposing viewpoints). Following a divorce, a family may have to move to a lower-income neighborhood, which weakens the child's connections to existing friends and neighbors (opposing viewpoints). Young Children often blame their misbehavior as the result of causing the divorce. Childrens attitudes and personalities change due to having to cope up with the fact that their parents divorced. Often the anger is directed at the absent parent. It causes the children to lose their sense of security and question the concept of love and commitment. Children as a result end up having trouble with their future relationships and become afraid of commitments. Although divorce may benefit the women because it could mean endi

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