
A Life-Changing Mission Trip

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One story, depending on the storyteller, could change your life forever. Little did I know that it would take a little girl’s story to change mine. Waking up at six o’clock on a summer morning with an alarm yelling in my ear was not part of what I planned to do for my summer. I was still half asleep and drowsy as can be when my alarm barked at me and startled me from my deep sleep. Rolling out of bed was no easy task either. I felt like everything was trying to hold me back and make me stay, so it took everything in me to get off of my bed, get dressed, grab my bags that I had packed from the night before, and head to church. I pulled into the church parking lot and got out of my truck to see most everyone still dressed in their PJ’s. Watching everybody that was already there talking about how excited they were for the five day long trip and and what they were going to do along the way. There was a group of youth kids and pastors loading up bags and making sure everything was in order and where it should be. Everyone arrived about seven o’clock and we finished packing not soon after. We took roll call, prayed for the very long eight hour long journey to Amarillo, Tx, and loaded everyone into the vans and buses. We had to leave by 7:00 a.m. and ,apparently, everyone already called who was sitting where and who they wanted to sit by. Being the odd person out most of the time, I was left to fend for myself and find my own seat. I wandered around for five minutes until someone called me over. The youngest youth pastor there, Tyler Gobert, who is like a brother to most of the people there, and called me over to his car. He told me that he made a seat just for me and that I needed to get in so that we could get there sooner. No one likes to be cramped into a car for a day. I jumped in and we took off. The trip there was not as long as everyone thought it would be. We all took our naps and shared stories about each other, good and ba

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