Royal gardens can be a pretty simple thing to understand. Various plants, enormous trees and beautiful green grass are all things that one would think would pertain to any royal gardens. But the Hanging Gardens of Babylon weren’t just any royal gardens. Reportedly standing 75 feet tall and what seemed to be 400 feet wide and 400 feet long, the gardens were like a lush green mountain in the middle of the desert. Around 600 BCE, it is said that King Nebuchadnezzar II built the majestic garden in the city of Babylon for his wife, Amyitis, who in the plain, dry desert felt homesick for her mountainous and green Media. The king recreated the landscape by building the area up with tiers made of sun-baked [mud] brick and asphalt, layering soil on the terraces and in the pillars for large trees and plants to grow. In order to keep everything alive in the heat of the desert, Nebuchadnezzar had to find a way to bring water to the plants at the top of this artificial mountain. Using the nearby Euphrates River, water would be transported to a pool at the base of the gardens. By pure man-power, a “screw” system, water was moved up and poured out into another pool at the top, and being regulated, poured out into channels which trickled down the mountain, watering all the plants. This irrigation system is the biggest reason the hanging gardens are considered a wonder of the ancient world. That is if it even existed. The ruins of the hanging gardens have proven to be elusive for a very long time. It was thought that they were destroyed during an earthquake, but then due to the mud bricks, it eroded over time. They also never appeared in any documents of all the accomplishments that Nebuchadnezzar had apparently done during the time. There have been recent speculations that the gardens weren’t just fiction or made up, and in fact weren’t in Babylon at all. Some scholars believe the gardens could’ve been built by an Assyrian queen, but Dr.