?Dramatization To help students to develop endurance in adverse situations. To help students to gain control over adverse situations. It is a presentation of events through the dialogue, actions and expressions of the characters. It is a group activity. The objective is to develop a preparedness to act and take initiative during adversities. It helps to develop a realistic approach to deal with difficult realities of life. It is as good as watching a movie, just that, here the characters are enacting the scene right in front of the students in their class. This provides an emotionally enriching experience, which appeals and has a lasting impact on the student’s minds. They are able to empathize with the characters and identify the situations they are facing. Thus, it helps to develop the ability to face disasters and acquire the skills of taking action and minimize the panic, during the actual occurrence of adversities in their life. Learning By Seeing To help students to develop endurance skills during adversities. To help students to gain control during adversities ‘Learning By Seeing’ is an activity which caters to the students, by creating a powerful Audio-visual impact. While watching the movie, the students are enabled to empathize with the characters and get a vicarious experience of the traumatic situation they are in. This creates a lasting impact on the minds of the viewer’s i.e., the students and helps them to have a strong remembrance of certain important qualities and also necessary steps to be taken during such extreme adversities in life. Role Play To help students to develop control over adverse situations. To enable students to develop accountability and gain ownership in adversities. ‘Role Play’ is a group activity. Its main objective is to enable the students to visualize the situation differently. Role playing technique helps to provide a mock demo of the real adverse situation occurring in our lives. T