Many people in today's society revolve their actions around what gives them purpose. A student becomes a teacher because they want to help younger generations learn. A med. student becomes a doctor because they want to help those who are sick become well. People do actions that give them purpose in order to feel positive about their life. When a person feels that they had no purpose in their life, it comes with a negative connotation. Through the poem, Godot functions as God in order to give people a sense of purpose. With a sense of purpose comes a sense of identity. By the poem being an example of absurd theatre, the readers know that it is because they are in a hopeless situation that they are forced into a repetitive and/or meaningless action. The hopeless situation that the reader can conclude the characters are in is a situation of boredom due to the lack of purpose. Didi and Gogo continue waiting for Godot even though they are unsure of what day it is and that he will arrive. Waiting for Godot becomes their only purpose which makes them continue to convince themselves of his existence. Although Didi and Gogo are unsure of the exact message that Godot will give them, they assume it will be significant news. In the next portion of the play, the reader receives confirmation through the words "vague supplication" that the characters are unsure of what news Godot will bring them. The waiting for Godot can be compared to religions that believe in God, such as Christianity.When Christians say a prayer to God, it is either a solemn request for help or an expression of thanks. Considering that the characters are not sure of what Godot will bring, other than significant news, it can be assumed that ˜a kind of prayer' refers to an answer to the solemn request for help. Vladimir and Estragon continue to wait for Godot not only because they have no other business to attend, but because they clearly see him as a higher power whom is better than everyone else. Christians believe that God is a higher power because that it was they are told in Church. They go to Church and pray to God so that th