Close your eyes and imagine for a moment. Imagine an ill-fated hungry child, sitting in the corner of a crowded room, trying to see what is going on outside from the old window with shattered glass. Imagine a child living in foster care waiting for months, even years, for a couple to adopt them and make them a part of their warm family. Then, finally, after a long time of agony and alienation, a family does come. Two people willing to give the child a home. These two people have everything ideal parents should: money, a stabilized job, no criminal records, plans for the future, domestic peace, and all the love anyone could ever give to a child. Yet, at the end of the day, they are turned down and the child is at loss for the opportunity of having a loving, caring family. Why? Because the couple that wanted to adopt that child was made up of two men. Is it fair when opposite-sex couples can adopt when same-sex couples cannot? In 2012, there were 399,546 children exactly like this one, and 531,000 same sex households without children in USA alone. Even though there are sufficient families, these children still can’t find their way to a warm home. Why? Because they are lost in the sea of injustice. Keeping in mind that homosexuals as well as heterosexuals are fully functioning members of society, they deserve to be treated equally. Allowing LGBT households to adopt will not only provide homes to countless orphans, but help raising a generation open minded to LGBT community and eliminate a drastic example of discrimination in today’s world. Gay couples are just like any other couple, with the contrast of their sexual preferences. All couples should be treated equally, not neglected just because they have different sexual orientations. Just like heterosexuals, homosexuals also pay taxes, go to school, go to work, and obey laws. So why should they be banned from adopting? European Court of Human Rights clearly expresses equality of all hu