Question Describe de culture of the 1950s with regard to music, life style, television, values, the role of women, and counterculture. Was the 1950s a time of conformity and an attend to return to traditional values or the beginning of a cultural revolution? Response Cultural life in the 1950 seemed far more intrepid than politics. The young generation wore leather jackets and dance to rock and roll music that brought hard- driving rhythms and sexually provocative movements. Music style was somewhat rebellious and sexual, but very popular. One famous rock-and-roll singer of the 1950s was Elvis Presley. The teenagers imitated Elvis's hair and dress style. Some other 1950s music styles were Gospel (African American religious music), Appalachian, a traditional music of the region of Appalachia, in the eastern of the United States, and R&B which is a combination of gospel, jazz and blues music. In the 1950s, Jazz music had some changes; the changes included the increase of improvisation and the promotion for mainstream. Life Style after during the war and around the 1950s was a transition to peacetime. This was a time of massive spending and people was wealthy enough to buy things. These helped the economy and increase the competition for new products. American society returns to "normal life. During the 1949-1955 the "Golden age television emerged. The reason American called it "Golden Age is because of the high quality in movies. In the 1950s television broadcast controversial themes such as, alcoholism, greed, impotence and racism. Television also includes high quality and experimental dramas that cover great stories written by Paddy Chayesfsky and Eugene O'nell. T.V avoided controversy because it made the sponsors uncomfortable. However television broadcast high quality and sophisticated stories such as "I love Lucy, "Twilight Zone" and "Wind from the South." In 1955- 1960 there was a new T.V era that covered themes t