
The Pros and Cons of Homework

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Is homework really of use to students? It is one of the most controversial topics to date, whether homework should be enforced and continued, or banned from the school system. It is stated that homework is "an important extension of in-school opportunities to learn.  (Good & Brophy) The extension of concepts learned during school hours is pivotal for students' education when it comes to refreshing their minds and retouching on new information taught during the day. Many students, teachers and parents continue to question the purpose and role of homework in a student's academic career, however studies concluded "there is a positive correlation between the amount of homework students do and their achievement levels (Cooper, Robinson, Patall). Likewise, the number of hours of homework a student gets, whether they are in secondary school, or middle school should correlate to their grade level if they are looking to achieve positively in their academics. Homework was introduced into school communities for the purpose of students continuing their learning outside of school and for practice, which has been engraved into the education system only for the better of the students. Therefore, students in secondary school should receive a minimum of one hour of homework per day because it is beneficial to their academic success as it helps to decrease stress, promotes learning and behavioral skills, and prepares students for evaluations. Many may argue that homework causes students stress, but is this really true? It can actually decrease stress levels in students. Some teachers agree that they use questions from homework on evaluations in order to see if students are actually completing homework that was given to them. So if these questions are being based off of homework questions, then it does not leave students guessing how easy, how hard, or what types of questions are going to be seen on future evaluations. This reduces the stress and time that it takes for students who continue to do their homework regularly, and for those who are getting the sufficient hours of homework. The more hours of homework given per class, the more practice and the more confident a student feels going into an evaluation that goes towards their final mark, thus resulting in less stress. It clearly shows

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