We see very young children working in third world cities and countries (Africa for example, Pakistan, India, and Goa and Bangladesh) yet nobody does anything about it. The main way audiences can be informed about child labour is if they type watch it on YouTube (E-media) or even turn view it on the television (broadcast). Broadcast and E-media seems to be the only few platforms through which the media can communicate to their audiences if they want to get the message across about what they can doon how to eradicate child labour. Therefore, it is important that an audience people who wants to make a difference to the world should keep their eyes peeled on the media, especially on news programs as they these program can influence their target audience on issues relating to how to eradicate child labour and highlighting by informing them about different organizations that are involved with child labour. Especially if they are multinational organizations, as no multinational organization would want to be involved in negative publicity. Sadness...this is what we feel when we hear the words child labour, at least that is what I felt when I hear the words child labour. What is even worse is that even though child labour is represented in so many ways there is no stopping the exploitation of a negative light and that this won't be stopping anytime soon children. Child labour started in the 1800's in the Western part of the world.2 In those times, nobody made a huge deal about children working, as they believed that this was the only way a family could survive as parents pay wasn't enough to make both ends meet.that they could survive and earn money for their family. The media is not the only one to be blamed for making their audience passive about children working, but also parents can be blamed for making their children passive work. This could be due to the fact that the parents are telling their children from a young age that they have to work and this is the only way that they can survive and be able to make a living for them and their family. This effect is similar to that of the hypodermic syringe theory as the parents are brainwashing their child/children at a young age to make them work and earn a living for themselves work in order to earn a living. A famous television program that children love watching is The Simpsons. This could beis a popular animated television show because of the fact of how it tackles real world issues and it allows children to be aware of these issues from such a young age. The Simpsons had an episode where they showed children working in a hazardous condition and everyone was fine with it in the show. From what the audience can see is that these children are not happy with working so therefore, children should take this as a sign that this is not ethically rightThis type of broadcast makes the audience feel that it is okay for child labour to continue and therefore makes them immune to the impact, and they should put a stop to this by telling their parents or maybe even writing a complaint to Fox the institution that they don't approve of what they broadcasted with child labour. The negotiated reading for this text could be that Fox may have children working in their institution and maybe parents should be aware of this and investigate if this is the case by writing a complaint or going in to see the Fox institution. Therefore, parents would think that having children beg would be the easiest way to make money even when they can afford other jobs. Media has been showing child labour since 1800 that was socially acceptable but a popular film in People may assume that the media has just started to represent child labour in a negative light, but that is far from the truth. With child labour starting in the 1800's the media didn't decide to exploit child labour until 1912 when a film came out titled Children Who Labour. 3 This film showed highlighted to the audience that it is acceptable for a child to work if she is underage in order to support a family who is struggling financially, even though the parents did not approve of it. This movie gave a very strong representation on the acceptability of child labour in our society. And if the media approaches you to ask about child labour, you should decline as the concept is not socially acceptable. This signifies that child labour being a is a controversial subject the and if it is happening the mass media should just ignore it mass media tends to ignore it. This is what Karl Marx found out and put forward a theory known as the Marxism theory. This is ethically wrong as society should not ignore what is going on - they should help out and let whoever is responsib