
Literary Pestiche - What a Night!

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It’s late December, and the snow is coming down heavy. In Darlington Hall, people of all time, place and type across England have come see the new owner of the house, Mr. Faraday and welcome this new American to his recently purchased, significant historical building in England. Knowing that Mr. Faraday is not fond of too many employees, Stevens had decided to throw him a party. However in truth, his real goal was to convince Mr. Faraday that he was a great butler and have Mr. Faraday keep him at the mansion. Stevens had the entire night planned out in exhaustive detail. For the great hall’s decorations, he choose his favorite colors, black and white- the colors of the ideal butler suit- and lined the entire hall with black and white ribbons. He had the entire floor reinstalled with black and white tiles as well. The lighting was a bright yellow. The windows were open so that the wind would be allowed to flow in, forcing everyone to dance to keep warm. Stevens had invited everyone he knew (Only Miss Kenton) and had bribed many others to come, such people included; Hamlet, Claudius, Polonius, Venus, Saturn, and many others from all around England. Stevens even invited Death himself. Stevens also knew he would have time to set things up because his new employer, Mr. Faraday would be arriving late for the party. Stevens wanted to keep death busy so that nobody would die on this night. So Stevens bribed him with the soul of Stevens Senior if he would look in the barn for the big rat that’s been stealing food from the kitchens. Death agreed to this deal and entered the barn to deal with the rodent problem. However in truth death had been deceived. When death entered, he found the room devoid of life, although there was some hay in the corner of the room. The doors closed behind him and through the floor gas began to leak and Death soon fell to the floor, asleep. Professional, well-mannered Stevens, however knew that it he would be doing an undignified act if he were to leave death alone as he was, on the floor of the barn. So Steven, wearing a gas mask unlocks the door, enters the barn, and takes death to a pile of hay that is shaped like a bed. Before he lays Death stomach up on the hay, he disrobes him, covers him with a horse blanket and exits the room carrying Deaths robes. Stevens believes that if he were to clean and press Death’s robes for him, Death would be most pleased when he woke up and would leave in peace. After delivering Deaths robes to the laundry service at the mansion. Stevens heads over the Main hall to see how the party fairs. The great hall was filled. The black and white tiles that Stevens had installed were barely visible beneath the massive crowd. It seems that more people than the original few Stevens had invited were attending. In the dim lighting, Stevens saw many people. Some people were gathered in groups. They were huddled together as if they were a sports team trying to exchange a game plan that they did not want anyone on the other team to discover. As Hamlet walked by, Stevens bids him good afternoon and inquires as to how is enjoying the party. Hamlet grabs Stevens by his butler suit and pulls him so close that Stevens can smell the alcohol on Hamlet’s breath. Then in a low, intimidating, sad, and angry voice Hamlet speaks, “A curse upon you o wrenched and enraging fool. You drag O so many fools into the same room as me and the woman who calls himself mine loving father. Me feeleth that at this very moment he beith near, listening to me and in plain sight hiding. O A curse be upon you! Did thy open the windows to aid my treacherous uncle in his hiding?! O curse upon you” With a hard shove, Hamlet throws Stevens into a group of people all huddled together behind him. As Stevens apologizes to them and tries to tidy their robes by running his hand over their shirts and dresses, Hamlet storms away with a growl under his breath. As Stevens says apologizes the guests, a beautiful lady dressed in a golden dress, long white gloves, and red sparkling shoes approaches Stevens from his rear and lets out a small chuckle. Standing behind Stevens, she then says in a chuckling tone, “Oh good heavens Mr. Stevens, might I inquire why you are rubbing your hands all over the guests?” Stevens immediately recognizes that voice, that nagging tone, and that unmistakable curiosity in his activities. He immediately recognizes the presence behind him as Miss Kenton. “Oh Miss Kenton” As he turned around to face her, he real

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