
Investing Money in Research

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Research on technology has always been beneficial for humans being as it has provided us with all the present day comforts and scientific advances. The term research can be defined as search for something new, something creative and innovative that will lead to momentous events in the future. Research has given us many path breaking discoveries, which were able to change the course of human future. Research has been a very powerful instrument that has changed our life completely. Money has been a important part of human history. It has been a very powerful tool that has affected humans since ancient times. Hence, investing money on right resources is very important and research is one thing where money has to go. In the present situation, in a democratic country like India where the government earns money through taxes, it is very important that money is spent judiciously and resourcefully. The statement above claims that money spent on research is a always a good investment , and I agree with the author if the research will be beneficial to the society and if the research will provide solution to problems like energy conservation, green house effects, effective pollution management, etc. The author also claims that money invested in controversial research is a good investment is a flawed statement, as it does not specify whether the results of the research will be good or bad for the future. If the controversial results, help achieve a completely new breakthrough then the results are welcomed. Here, I would like mention about, quantum theory in Physics, which define the behavior of minute particle like atoms and electrons, which was a breakthrough in the world of physics, but was contradictory to the Newtonian physics that was believed to be standard during those days. The results of quantum theory would have been considered controversial during those times but it brought about a drastic change in the world of physics. If the res

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