?Every society aims to implement order and happiness in their world. However, some societies have different meanings as to what happiness is and ways to achieve it. In the dystopian novels, 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, the political institutions use totalitarianism to govern their people. The governments of both worlds deprive people of their individualism, shedding their human nature. They control every aspect of people’s lives from what they do, think and believe. In 1984 the government or the Party controls the people of Oceania, where privacy no longer exists and in the New State the citizen’s lives are already mapped out. Life in Oceania and New State consist of similarities in that both are ruled by absolute powers which leads to a total control of the society, causing it to be vapid, ignorant and depressed, however the governments believes of how people should coexist together are apart. The government in both novels devalue the citizens to promote executive strength and impose governmental control over the freedom of their people. The Party in Oceania is composed based on three ideas, War is peace, Freedom is slavery and Ignorance is strength. They suppress these ideas onto their citizens which are organized into classes, the proles or people are placed in the bottom, the outer party members are placed next and the inner party members are placed at the top, who are granted a better life than the ones below. Moreover, the government introduces four ministries. Each serves a purpose in order to maintain stability in society; Ministry of Truth raises propaganda and alters historical records in order to match the Party's ideas, Ministry of Love takes charge of criminal activity, Ministry of Peace, ironically, engages in war and the Ministry of Plenty controls economic activity and plans shortages for the people. Likewise, the New State also divided its people into five groups; Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon. In each of thes