
Charismatic Leadership

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"Charisma...a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader." - Max Weber, German Political Economist and Sociologist Introduction Our world has seen different type of leaderships. In which I see myself in charismatic and servant type leadership role. Charismatic leadership is something where leader can persuade or prevail his vision, message and his guidance to his people or followers. For me the most importance results can be achieved by the most important trait which is communications. Leader should understand what kind of an age group he or she interacting with. I think every age group take charisma and visionary leadership in a different way. But the art is the communication, how a leader can sell him or herself effectively to the team him or her leading. As earlier stated, communication requires a sender and a receiver; distinction should be made between a great communicator and a great talker. Since most communications are verbal it becomes quite easy to intertwine both concepts. In essence, the fact that an individual A spoke for 2 hour to individual B does not mean he has communicated. Applying these concepts to present day cases, emphasis is shifting from being a manager to becoming effective in working with a team; superiors and subordinates. As opposed to the last few centuries, organizations are beginning to understand the essence of an effective leadership. Individuals are also opened to a wealth of leadership and communication materials on the internet. What then are the elements of a leader with good communication skills? "Charismatic leaders have exceptional communica

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