The Arab-Israeli war is an event of upmost gravity and its impacts have not ceased to exist in the current world. In order to measure the significance of this war I will mainly examine the factors of profundity, quantity, relevance as well as examining matters that were revealed because of this war(i.e. "revealing ). In terms of profundity; the war has resulted in several long-lasting effects. One of which was Israel gaining a significant amount of territory. Israel managed to retain most of the region, which had been recommended by Resolution 181 of the UN General Assembly. Israel also took control of about 75% of the region designated to the proposed Arab state; which encompassed the areas of Jaffa, Lydda ,Ramla and Galilee. This also included parts of Negev, West Jerusalem as well as some territories in the West Bank. Hence, the war largely contributed to the geographical formation and shaping to the current state of Israel as well as significantly altering the landscape of this region of the Middle East. However, the war's significant did not only affect Israel's geographically. The war also deeply affected the economic state of Israel. Since Israel; had emerged as the victor, after fighting in 1948; it was provided with progressively less money by the "American Import-Export bank and the "United Jewish Appeal which were the two main sources of funding which Israel was dependent upon. However, Germany was conveniently willing to pay Israel reparations to compensate for Nazi brutality and so they signed the reparations treaty in 1952. Therefore, one can say that it was this war, which drove Israel to accept Germany's offer which in fact, became the basis of Israel's industrial and agricultural recovery and success. This means that the war can significantly be credited for Israel's present economic stability and prosperity. The domestic repercussion of many Palestinians was maybe the most profound effect of the war. What is known as the "Nakba" resulted in the everlasting political impact on the Palestinians. No Arab state was created in Palestine in comparison to to the new Jewish state of Israel. Alternatively Palestine, a former British mandate, was divided amongst Jordan, Egypt and Israel. This completely destroyed Palestinian economic life as well as social structures, and subsequently, the prevention of any Palestinian political development and maturity. Palestinians had been denied a solid identity and were forced into submission, thanks to the war, as they were forced to live as immigrants scattered amongst the Middle East and subjected to the rule of countries such as Syria and Lebanon. In fact, it may be argued that if it wasn't for this war: A proper Palestinian nation may have been allowed to exist and evolve; and so the fate of the thousands of displaced