
The Netherlands Film Fund

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Introduction The Netherlands is home to a creative film industry with an open attitude to independent film production. The Dutch have a track record of numerous artistic, experimental and mainstream film productions, like for example feature films for children, feature-length documentaries or large Dutch cinema productions. To start or continue a successful career in the Dutch film industry there is one major fund that may provide support in various ways, essentially with a financial contribution. That fund is called the Netherlands Film Fund. Getting financial support from the Netherlands Film Fund is attached to various criteria. In this research paper we’re analysing the Netherlands Film Fund as an organisation and their role and also take a closer look at current issues in the Dutch film industry. The Netherlands Film Fund The Netherlands Film Fund is a national agency responsible for supporting film production in the Netherlands. It supports activities such as festivals, film events, training, publications and research. The Fund arises in 1993 from a merger between the ‘Production Fund of the Netherlands Film’ and the ‘Fund for the Netherlands Film’. The Fund provides financial support for the development, realization and distribution of feature films, documentaries, animation, cinematic experiments and short films. There focus is to develop and strengthen Dutch cinema and film culture both domestically and internationally. As an organization the Fund is also responsible for the Film Production Incentive. This is a service for foreign producers who are willing to perform their production in (parts of) the Netherlands. The Netherlands Film Fund coordinates the new Film Production Incentive scheme, which started in May 2014 and is based on a system of cash rebate. In chapter ‘Film Production Incentive’ we discuss more about the Film Production Incentive (Netherlands Film Fund, 2014). Target Groups The Netherlands Film Fund provides financial contributions to Dutch or EU-based production companies, represented by a producer. Individual directors and screenwriters are not allowed to submit an application. Institutions working in the field of film can apply for financial assistance for various activities, such as publications, events to encourage the film industry in the Netherlands or to promote Dutch film abroad. For film professionals based in the Netherlands they also have some resources available such as training and expertise development. Categories The Netherlands Film Fund divides their target groups in different categories. Each film production can apply for funding in the category that is relevant for their film production. There are four main categories which all have a specific profile for the development and production of film. These are the categories and profiles where production companies can subscribe to if they want to qualify for a fund: New Screen NL The program for new talent, cinematic experiment and short (animation) film; Screen NL The program for feature films, animated feature films and documentaries, including minority co-productions; Screen NL Plus The program for the realization of mainstream feature films and animated feature films for a large cinema audience; Film Production Incentive Program to promote a healthy film production environment in the Netherlands and to reinforce the international competitive position of the Dutch film. Next to these four main categories there are some other departments where film productions also can apply for financial support from the Netherlands Film Fund. Distribution Intended for Dutch art-house films and documentaries, to get contribution for marketing and distribution purposes. Also for the purchase of foreign art-house films for Dutch release and the related costs for marketing and promotion; Film Activities Such as talent development, film festivals, events, training, publications and research; Eurimages Is known as the film fund from the Council of Europe. Eurimages aims to promote the European film industry by encouraging the production and distribution of films and fostering co-operations between film professionals in the EU (Council of Europe, 2014). Budget The Netherlands Film Fund has a total budget available for funding in

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