We've heard many times that video games are bad for children. We've heard that they make kids more violent, and that gamers stay in solitude and don't socialize, among other negative things. These arguments aren't quite true because video games bring a number of benefits to both kids and adults. Playing video games is beneficial for kids because while playing they develop positive emotional traits, kids develop cognitive benefits, and help them become more empathetic. While playing video games, kids develop different positive emotional traits. Through video games, kids can develop patience and they understand they have certain skills; and these kids know they can improve them. As you may know video games are often tagged as bad for kids because they supposedly make kids more violent. Researchers had failed to separate the different types of games and were mostly generalizing by saying that all video games are bad, but there are different types of video games and we shouldn't tag all of them as bad. Daphne Bavelier, a neuroscientist at the University of Rochester, New York said "We know there are good sugars and bad sugars, and we don't discuss whether food in general is good or bad for us, we need to be far more nuanced when we talk about the effects of video games." Kids can develop cognitive traits while playing games like FPS (First Person Shooters). FPS is a type of video game in which you move through the eyes of the character. Studies have been made in which it is demonstrated that FPS players have better eye-hand coordination, are better at multitasking, and can concentrate on the important factors of a task. According to a research paper by Isabela Granic, Adam Lobel, and Rutger C. M. E. Engels, published in the American Psychologist: players develop "Faster and more accurate attention allocation, higher spatial resolution in visual processing, and enhanced mental rotation abilities. According to the research paper the spa