A strange atmosphere can be created in many unexpected ways. Even when you don't know or expect it a strange mood comes about. In literature, strangeness can really affect how a character in a story moves along. In the "Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving, the author makes it known to the reader on what the mood and atmosphere is. A strange mood can affect a tone or atmosphere. Irving's use of archetypal symbolism in the story creates a strange mood. First the strange mood is presented through the devil figure who symbolizes temptation. For example Tom comes across the devil, and the devil is sitting there and puts his thumb on Tom's head and burns a thumbprint into his head (201). This proves that there is a strange mood because . Secondly a strange mood is presented through water which symbolizes death. Stagnant water symbolizes that the area had been deserted for awhile (292). This is strange because the area has been left isolated and gives it a scary feeling. Lastly a strange mood is made through darkness and represents the unknown. Dark storm description (291). The horse was unhappy due to its hunger. Archetypal symbols in the text create a strange mood. Contextual symbols also create a strange mood in the story. A strange mood is reveled through an animal and embodies Tom's greed. Tom's horse's ribs can be seen (294). This reveals a strange mood because Tom throughout the story has enough money to do whatever he wants, but when it comes to his horse he doesn't even feed it. A strange mood with an ordinary building reveals Tom's empty soul. Tom's horse is lifeless and incomplete (292). This is strange because there is no life in the horse and no humanity. Nature combined with a strange mood come together and represent sold souls. Scorched in the trees are names of other soulless people on them (291). This comes off as strange because in nature it isn't normal for trees to have names in them. A strange mood can be shown i