Description of Activity Activity I Students used small mirrors and tape measures to estimate the height of a tall object Some chose the flag pole, light post, or building on campus. Students gathered their data and used similar triangles to determine the height of the object. They completed a poster showing all their calculations and drawings of triangles. Activity II Students made a clinometer (surveying tool used to measure angles) using a protractor, straw, string, and paper clips. The clinometer was used to estimate the height of the same object they selected for the first activity. They used their knowledge of right triangles and trigonometry along with the clinometer for their measurements and calculations. The students then compared the results of the two different methods. At the conclusion of these activities the student will be able to: 1. Know how to make and use a surveying tool (clinometer). 2. Solve a practical problem, like how to measure the height of inaccessible objects, just like surveyors do. 3. Apply knowledge of similar triangles and trigonometry to solve problems. 4. Recognize and understand that there is a relationship between abstract math concepts and real-world applications. 5. Review the Pythagorean Theorem. 6. Review the concepts of area and perimeter. 7. Set up and solve proportions involving similar triangles. 8. Work cooperatively with a partner to solve a practical problem. ROCP/ High School or Community College course title Course: Geometry Projected Learning Outcomes for externship: Students will learn that abstract math concepts have practical applications. They will learn how surveyors measure inaccessible objects. Final Learning Outcomes (Project Completion) The students not only learned how math is used in an actual career, they also had fun. The activities were all hands-on, something we seldom do in math courses. The students learned how to make a clinometer with simple objects. They also learned how to use the clinometer to measure tall objects around campus. Students also used mirrors and tape measure to calculate a 2nd estimate of the height of the objects. They compared their results and provided explanations for any d