
Fast Food and Health Concerns

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Insidious diseases are rapidly looking for chances to damage our health. In our society, fast food has spread worldwide becoming exceptionally popular and convenient. Although many people like to consume fast food, it is generally not a healthy choice. As you may know, large consumption of fast food, such as hamburgers, fries, fried chicken and so on, plays a rather big role in our diet. It leads to health risks and illnesses, especially obesity and heart diseases, by reason of its larger portions, containing higher calories and low in nutrients. Consequently, three methods to prevent these diseases are doing sports, having balanced diets and eating junk food as little as possible . To begin with, doing sports is an effective way to decrease risk of disease development which is caused by fast food. According to the news from Voice of America, about 65 percent of American adults are overweight because they eat fast food everyday. In addition, fast food offers 300 additional calories each meal than what people would have normally. More fast food you eat needs you to do more excises to keep you body slim; in order to consume the excessive calories, most people go to play basketball, swim and run at their spare time. While sweating, breathe becomes faster and heart works more ,so many of the toxins and impurities are able to exit your body by way of your open skin pores that it is really helpful for your health. Another way to prevent disease is to have a balanced diet; therefore, it will be a smart idea to order a vegetable salad during the meal when you are having fast food. To keep healthy, people need to absorb the vitamins which can be offered by vegetable salads. In addition, vegetable salads reduce calories by increasing vegetable intakes, and vegetables offer protection against heart diseases, so a balance diet can stop the development of the diseases. Finally, eating fast food seldom is also helpful to prevent diseases. Junk fo

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