
Dystychiphobia - Fear of Accidents

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Hard impact, totaled vehicles, aching body, injured people: dystychiphobia in one sentence. There are many people who suffer from dystychiphobia, the fear of accidents. Most specialists have seen how this fear affects people, what changes have occurred in their lives, and how they've been able to overcome it. Dystychiphobia has so many aspects to it that when describing what it is there's so much to talk about. Dystychiphobia is the fear of car accidents. For some people this phobia is very server and life changing. Any time thinking about being in a car the fear can take over drastically and cause obsession over this fear leading them to never wanting to be near a situation that could possibly lead to an accident. People who suffer from dystychiphobia will always be aware of their surrounding and even if it's a safe environment they'll always create scenarios leading them to be hesitant.) The term "car crashes" is the last thing a person with dystychiphobia wants to hear. But when it comes down to it, it's something everyone will experience. The national rate of car crash deaths is 11.1 per 100,000 residents.) Anxiety attacks are a huge factor. They basically take over the person's life. Any situation that they know that could lead to a crash an anxiety attack is bound to happen and next thing they know it all goes downhill from there. They have to deal with a pounding heart, being anxious, and feeling overwhelmed. It can really drive someone crazy. Many effects occur with the phobia. Sadly, these people have to go through so much when dealing with this. Feeling anxious, worried, nauseous, scared, overwhelmed, shaky, and the list goes on. Imagine your life like that, it's intense. Their lives change dramatically and they have to put up with these problems for as long as they suffer with dystychiphobia. Back seat drivers have become more common over the years. One in seven drivers has reportedly crashed or rear ended another veh

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