
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream

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Horror is a film genre seeking to draw a negative emotion from the viewer by manipulating the primal fear of human. Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginative content such as time travel, space travel, parallel universes, extraterrestrial life; all were involving with futuristic setting and high technology. Above these points, the film Alien combined the two factors in one movie, and introduced a new kind of science fiction horror, which also made it a classic movie ahead of all the other film that comes afterward. The threat still comes from the unknown, but the environment and method of attack were different. Moreover, all the effect in the film were done before CGI, making the realistic appearing of aliens bursting out of chests and of bloody gory deaths all the more amazing since there is no help of computer. First, the idea of alien as the main plot is quiet unique at that time, since all the unknown thing makes people scared. As we watched the film in class before, such as the killer in the movie Time Machine and Psycho, or the demon that was not suppose to be dug out in The Exorcist. One common thing in these horror films, all the female character is always vulnerable and weak who waits for help or to be killed somehow. However, in Alien, they created the first heroine character- Ripley, who is hard, competent and ruthless in the big screen that showed the spirit of independent female power. The film begins with an obvious hierarchy of male dominants; however, as the films goes and men are killed or fall under the chain of command to woman, another first. The environment was also very distinctive from other horror film; a group of people out of nowhere in the space, lacking of substantial resource to call for help. It's already a dangerous act to put a group of people in a sealed container, since you've known about how humanity works under the temptation of power and desire. If something bad happened no one c

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