In Tennessee William's play, "A Streetcar Named Desire," the poker night scene plays a very important role. It is in this portion of the piece where we learn a lot about the main characters and their relationships with one another. Stanley, aside from his good qualities is also "primitive" and "childish." He gets drunk, he gets abusive, and he can be violent. As Stella says he is a little boy. You see that she ultimately has the control in the relationship. Stanley comes on his knees crying for her to take him back and she does. Even though there relationship is not one I would want but it works for them. We see just how much they love each other. Blanche really shows her true colors in this scene. She's Manipulative. She easily changes from one mood/state of mind and the way she treats people in seconds depending on her goals. You see she thinks she is much smarter than everyone else but, she's too ignorant to see the relationship Stanley and Stella have. She down upon Stanley, saying he's not a gentleman and is more of an ape. She Makes it her mission to find herself a gentleman. A Vamp, a seductive woman who uses her sensuality to exploit men, is the perfect word to describe Blanche. I feel Tennessee Williams would have choose "Poker Night as the title to this play at first because so much is revealed in this one single scene. In one scene a lot of developments are made. During this scene we learn the most about the main characters of the play. Although I Feel the title of the play he later decided on, The Street Car Named Desire , is much more fitting. Desire is the common theme among these characters. They all have desires, as different as they may be. Stanley's desires are physical, animalistic and common as Blanche sees it. But Stanley's desires feed into Stella's; her desire is to be taken care of, loved, and protected which Stanley meets. Blanche however has the overwhelming desire to be loved and she is the