We live in a world were technology is a big part of our life. Millions of people in today’s society have access to some type of technology. Although technology is supposed to make our lives easier, as more humans rely on technology some of our basic skills such as face to face interaction can be lessened. When using technology we expect things to be done right away, and when it comes to remembering phone numbers we rely on technology as everything has a database. The creation of the internet changed everything. People tend to use it in their everyday life, whether it’s for socializing, online gaming or watching videos, online working, etc this great invention can serve multiple positive purposes however some content has ruined people’s lives or worse. The internet has caused a lot of addiction. For example: online games can psychologically affect people as some have changed their daily routine in order to play, thousands of people spend money in order to play. Social networking can allow family and friends to keep in touch no matter where they are, it even allows you to talk to people you’ve never met in real life. Websites such as Facebook has over three hundred and fifty million users, half of which are active daily, the addiction causes them to be online for 20 hours a day, and some use it at work. This shows how distracted people can get. Online videos are great for entertainment; websites such as YouTube distribute a variety of videos daily, which have a vast range of contents, some of which are not suitable for a younger audience. Some of the graphic material shown on YouTube is not suitable for younger people; however YouTube does not have permission of knowing the age of viewers accessing the website. Some videos have a negative impact on people’s lives. Although the internet has the ability to feed a natural human desire, it can be an addiction or distraction; some can cause to act negatively on other people’s li