
Socrates and Aristotle - Pointing the Way

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?Some of the most important ideas and concepts adapted by Western civilization were garnered from the genius of the Ancient Greeks. Their contributions and achievements where in art, philosophy, history, and science. These shaped the growth of Western civilization. Of these splendid contributions, two that tend to standout are Socrates way of questioning life around him and Aristotle’s fathering the concepts of modern science. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” These are the words of Socrates a classical Greek philosopher that is credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy. The quote displays that a person should be curious, and ask questions to understand life. Socrates didn't write books, but by asking questions; this is how the famous Socratic Method of Teaching was made. “Philosophy, the love of wisdom, was for Socrates itself a sacred path” He also said, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” No matter how much you think you know, in reality, there isn’t nearly enough stuff to know in this world. Also, back then people followed what the church and philosophers like Socrates taught people to think outside the box not just focus on what the church says. Also, philosophers also taught people to be independent and think for them self. They wanted to make the world a better place so that people could be unique individuals. So that those individuals. He wanted to investigate questions and problems in order to find answer to them, which is now known as the Socratic Method. In Western Civilization we are accepting toward others race, ethnicity, and religion is a virtue unlike back then it was a weakness and this was one of Socrates teachings. To him knowledge and virtuism was the same thing they were both important to have. Socrates frequently says his ideas are not his own, but his teachers. Continuations to that, nothing is original and everything comes from something else or someone el

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