
Methods of Alternative Energy

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Energy has played a key role in the advancement, progress, and survival of the direction of human growth in society. Without the creation of kerosene, steam, electricity, and nuclear power, the world would not be what it is today. The fundamental roles of energy may have helped in the efforts of human advancement, but it may have been at the expense of the world’s environment. Throughout history, civilization has build on the stepping stones of energy, the world first yielded to the dependence of kerosene in the mid 1800’s, what was once the beginning of a new age of promises and advancements has slowly turned in to a monster of consumption that is slowly destroying the environment through pollutions and greenhouse gasses. After the global domination of kerosene, other energies came to follow in 1880 Thomas Edison surprised the world with his invention of electricity, then many years later in the 1950’s the world came to except nuclear energy as a new form of mass power. Although energy has played a fundamental role in the advancement of human civilization, it has also contributed to the decline of the world’s environment. As the population continues to grow the need for energy will continue to rise, and a new way of powering the world must be established before it is too late. The most commonly used energy today is nuclear energy. The discovery of nuclear radiation was in the nineteenth century, and was developed and toyed with for many years by many renowned scientists, but what was once used as a weapon and scared the entire world, was now being looked to, to solve the United States energy problems. During the 1950's fossil fuel, electric power companies were the power supplier of the country, but during this time fossil fuel electricity was starting to show weaknesses in its structure. As a result of these findings, the government stated integrating nuclear fission in to the electric power companies, and the result was it worked, and the world’s energy problems seemed to be over. The electrical industry seems to have it all enough energy to circle the entire globe, but with the addition of nuclear power in the mix of electricity there were bound to be setbacks. Towards the end of 1970’s to the mid 1980’s, the government stated putting restrictions on the running of nuclear power plants. After the 1979 incident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant disaster in Pennsylvania, and the 1986, nuclear power plant disaster at Chernobyl

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