Leadership and communication are very important aspects that go in hand in any present society across the world. A convincing leader is made out of how they are able to communicate, whether verbal or non verbal communication, Mokhtari, (2013). Most times people think that communication involves only ears and eyes. They do not realize that eyes are equally of importance. However, most individuals including leaders tend to concentrate a lot on the verbal aspect than on the non verbal aspect, (Mokhtari, 2013). They do not understand that the non verbal side is equally of importance. Any leader needs to use the non verbal language because actions always carry meaning. Eye contact, facial expression, body language and use of gestures affect the meaning listeners attach to the intended message, Leaders Must Use Nonverbal Communication, (2011). This means that any action or movement carries a meaning. The audiences understand and follow a message better when a leader addressing them maintains eye contact. This is because, body language and gestures which communicate openness, concern and friendliness makes the audience ready to receive the message and understand. A smile makes one look alive. The non actions also carry meaning. By this it means leaders’ personal appearances and things considered important. Being in time also communicates to the audience on who they are dealing with. Effective leaders are aware that such non action affects their messages, (Leaders Must Use Nonverbal Communication, 2011) Non verbal communication can be classified into five categories which include; proxemics, posture, environment, gestures and objects, Rutsohn, (2004). It is important to know that every culture has a unique way of using the non verbal communication. Proxemics refers to the use of language of space, that is, how people communicate their attitudes, ideas and feelings. When one interferes with another’s comfort zone, the receiver will start c