Jem, Dill, and I walked in silence. All of our minds were clouded with thoughts from the trial. After what seemed like forever, Jem stated, “We should play a game in order to get our minds off the trial. Today was only the first day of the trial, there is still tomorrow to figure out the court’s decision." “How about we snoop around the dumps and spy on Tom Robinson?” Dill suggested. “Dill, how is spying on Tom Robinson going to get our minds off of-” Jem began. “We could have fun while figuring out information about Tom Robinson. Scout, I dare you to go to the dumps and spy on Tom Robinson,” Dill interrupted. “Okay, as long as both of you come with me,” I mentioned. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go,” Dill exclaimed as he began to lead the way. The walk towards Tom Robinsons’ cabin was long and disturbing. As we walked past the dumps, we had to hold our noses shut because an unpleasant stench filled our nostrils and caused our eyes to water. But, that was not the worst part of the journey. After the dumps, passing the Ewell residence made me wish we were still at the dumps. The mere look of the Ewell household gave me chills down my spine and flooded my mind with curiosity to figure out all of the untold stories that the Ewell house contained. Finally, the narrow lane that led to the cabins came to our sight. Quietly, we ran through the lane and plotted ourselves in an area where we could see through a crack in Tom Robinson’s cabin and hear what was being said inside. What we witnessed, completely changed our perspective on Tom Robinson and created another story that counteracts with the stories told by the townspeople. “Tom, how you holdin up’?” asked Helen, Tom’s wife. “I’s fine, nothin’ to ‘bout nothin’ now,” Tom replied. Sam, Tom’s son, overheard and questioned, “Father, what’s goin’ on?” “Child, you no need to worry ‘bout nothin’, everythin’s fine,”