In the novel, "The Memory Keeper’s Daughter," a lot changed within the characters’ lives from beginning to end. David hid a secret which changed the relationship between him and his wife, Caroline’s life changed during the course of the story, and Norah, herself, changed as the story progressed. David Henry began the story as a loving man, who loved his wife and the new life that they were to bring into the world. David’s wife gave birth to a baby boy and unexpectedly, a baby girl as well; who happened to be born with down syndrome. David remembered from his childhood how miserable his mother’s life was seeing his sister die each day from the same illness and did not want his wife to endure the same pain, so he made the decision the give the baby girl up without consulting his wife first. From that point on, David and his wife’s relationship was one that couldn’t be repaired. All because of David’s secret, the dynamics of him and his wife’s marriage were never the same. Caroline Gill, a nurse who once worked with David and helped deliver his twins’ life changed tremendously throughout the course of the story. Caroline took on the responsibility of taking care of baby Phoebe when David did not want her; which made her a new mother overnight. Caroline went from living single, working in a hospital, to being a live in nurse in a new state with her new child. Caroline grew throughout the story as a mother and an advocate for children with down syndrome. She learned how to care for a child with an illness and never took no for an answer when it involved her daughter. Norah Henry was a loving, happy wife to David Henry. She was pregnant with a baby boy, Paul, and gave birth to him, not knowing that she had twins in the process. Finding out about the loss of her baby girl, Phoebe, killed Norah internally and from that point on she was never the same. She started drinking, was always snapping out on someone, started stepp