
Misconceptions of Parents and Children

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Every parent's dream is to see their child become successful in life; my parent's desired the same for me. My parents want me to have the best so I can be the best and for that reason they have put in a lot of time, money, and effort into the individual that I have become today and will become in the future. This eventually leads to parents having very high standards and expectations for their kids. However, the expectations that a parent has for their child become unreasonable sometimes. My parents for example expect me to become what they wish me to be, and that I consider to be unreasonable. Kids have the misconception that they will be able to meet all the standards that their parents will have but the reality is that no one can live that way and eventually they will want to become their own individual. When expectations become too high it can lead to tension, a poor self-image due to a feeling of failure and even disconnection of family of ties as a result of a negative impact made by the parents. Parents should have realistic expectations for their kids, expectations that the kids can easily accomplish and also achieve the feeling of success at the end. All around individuals like me losing sleep, stressing, worrying about grades and a good university to become doctors and engineers, that in the end isn't our first choice and yet we still have the aching desire to achieve these goals only to please our parents. I feel the need to do whatever is in my capability to satisfy my parents because I feel I am in debt towards them for giving me a “dwelling place” and feeding and nurturing me so I can be the individual that I am today. Some of the expectations held by my parents are so high that they are nowhere in sight and there is no possibility of ever being able to reach them and failure is the only option. For example becoming a doctor is no easy task but the desire to achieve an unrealistic dream of making my parents happy got

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