1. View of Human Nature My personal view of human nature is that all human beings have an countless potential for good. I believe this because I cannot in good faith attribute genuinely positive feeling, emotions and actions to anything external of the human condition. Genuine goodness seems to come from within a person. Therefore, I believe we all have this "positive potential. I must emphasize the word "potential here, because what I am referring to here is the potential for creating and maintaining a positive, healthy, meaningful life while living in a very imperfect world. This potential is something that needs to be tapped into because the natural challenges of the world may mislead one's emotions, judgment and actions. These challenges bring a "destructive potential to a person's life. The destructive potential is anything internal or external of the person that would lead to negative or destructive behavior. Internally one may be challenged by a psychological disorder, perhaps a chemical imbalance in their brain that leads toward more destructive behaviors. Externally, a person may have learned behaviors from childhood to adulthood that encourage destructive behavior patterns. Both types of potential are very real and both should be considered within the framework of human nature. Knowing this, it does not seem important to debate whether people are inherently good or bad, or if they can be trusted or not, because everyone has positive and negative forces impacting them at all times; a helper/counselor could never accurately account for what one has been taught or conditioned to believe. Therefore, I think clients should be assessed on a case-by-case basis and helped likewise. Doctors or psychiatrist should be recommended when dealing with serious psychological disorders and brain injuries. 2. What Makes People Stress? Distress can have serious effects on an individual's ability to cope with any of the situations, l