Have you ever been in a life threatening situation? Well, eleven year old Salva Dut has. There is an ongoing war in Sudan. Salva is one of the millions of people in danger. In Linda Sue Parks novel, A Long Walk to Water, in order to survive, Salva had to depend on other people, have determination, and adapt to the environment. Without the help of other people, Salva wouldn't have survived his many obstacles. Salva was walking towards Ethiopia. He joined a group of people with the same goal as him. His friend Buksa was in the group. uksa was a part of the Jur-Chol tribe. The Jur-Chol have a tradition of following the call of a bird called the honeyguide that means they are able to find honeybees by following the bird.B "Salva hurried off to call the rest of the group. He had heard of this, that the Jur-Chol could follow the call of the bird called the honeyguide! But he had never seen it done before. Honey! This night, they would feast! (Page 25) Buksa was able to find the honeybees which means Salva and the others were able to feast. If Salva did not meet Buksa, they would have still been starving. The group reached the Nile River, the made a makeshift boat to get across. They needed to eat before they went. Uncle did not have to beg for food because they were intimidated by his gun. Uncle always shared his food with Salva, "Uncle shared his food with Salva- a piece of sugar cane to suck on right away, then fish that they cooked over a fire and yams roasted in the ashes. (Page 47) Since uncle Jewiir had a gun, he was able to get food for himself and Salva. Salva was now able to depend on Jewiir for food, water, and protection. Salva had a thorn in his foot and he was parched in the Akobo desert. He was miserable walking for miles and miles, "Do you see that group of bushes?' Uncle said, pointing. ˜You need only to walk as far as these bushes. Can you do that Salva Mawin Dut Ariik? (Page 53) Uncle Jewiir's w