
The Psychology of Teaching Mathematics

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Psychology is known as the scientific study of the human mind and its function. Psychology is related to almost everything humans do throughout their life. It helps us with understanding how and why humans make the decisions they make. In a way, it helped me better understand the decisions I have made. It will also help me with the decisions I will make in the future. I am currently a sophomore at Dillard University. Before now, I had to make the decision to attend the university. There are a few things that I took into consideration when I made my decision to enroll into Dillard University. I had other collegiate options, but Dillard University gave me the most financial aid and I loved Dillard's culture. In order to be in any university, a student must declare a major. I am a mathematics major at Dillard. I am probably one of a handful of mathematics majors who attend Dillard University. It was a pretty straightforward decision on what I wanted to major in. I grew my love for mathematics in high school. I was always the one to help out my peers with their classwork and homework. I believe I had a higher understanding of the material I was being taught in school, and I could have considered myself advanced in a way. I enjoyed mathematics, and I realized it was something I wanted to work with for life. After much research of the possible professions I could perform in the field of mathematics, I finally discovered what I was best at. I decided I wanted to be a mathematics school teacher. I decided I wanted to be a teacher when I realized how much I helped others in my math classes in high school. I never had a problem with helping people with their work. I believe that came from my caring personality. I have always been a person willing to help others in need. I guess I can be seen as a person willing to answer to service. The same can be said for most school instructors. The purpose of being a teacher is to serve and instruct the youth of certain subjects that they can use in their future. Therefore, they can use the knowledge they have learned and use it in their future. It is basically a cycle of p

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