In the course of this essay, the definition of a manager is defined as a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff and a person regarded in terms of their skill in managing resources which includes human resources. In short, a manager is defined as a person who has the accessibility to resources and responsibility for the results yielded under his management of these resources. Characteristic is defined as a feature or quality belonging typically to a person. Thus, the objective of this essay is on the identification of a framework which showcases features and qualities that we would expect from a good manager. One of the key characteristic of a good manager is the possession of strong leadership quality. Though there such quality can be further classify into different types of leadership qualities, in general, these qualities serves one common objective which is the ability to organise its people to on common goal and command great control over the people who works under such manager. Without the access to such control, it would be hard for a manager to keep his people in line with his management strategies and objectives. Thus, great leadership quality is one of the key characteristics of a good manager. A good manager is also often identified as someone who has great conceptual skills, which is the ability to view and study a complex problem through a more systematic and less complicated viewpoint so as to propose suitable solutions to such problems. Such ability enables a manager to break down sophisticated issues into solvable challenges, rising their views above problems and identifies the most relevant issues to the problems. Conceptual skill is one of the most important skill in management, the application if such skill widely covers from the operation of work to the management of the human resources. Without a good conceptual skill, a manager often are unable to identify the root