Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American activist and humanitarian. He led the Civil Rights Movement in United States from the mid-1950s until his death in 1968. He was one of the most influential leaders in the history of humanity and for his efforts he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He delivered his speech "I Have a Dream" on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for equal rights for the blacks and discrimination to be abolished once and for all. He delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters in Washington and he wanted all of them to wake up from their slumber of slavery and defend themselves and strive for justice. Although Martin Luther King's speech was intended to motivate the millions of Negro slaves with the his tone and his style of delivering the speech, the blacks had been witnessing injustice for all their lives, and through imagery he demonstrated how they were robbed of their basic rights, "I Have A Dream," is ultimately ineffective because the speaker doesn't effectively persuade the readers that how they are going to ultimately achieve justice and be free from slavery through their actions and his speech fails to deliver the basic blueprint for getting equality for everyone. Martin Luther King highlights all the injustice issues of being robbed of their basic rights even though in the past the Constitution stated that everyone would get their rights of life and now he wants to regain the status of black men and make them socially acceptable. He commanded them not to be violent and be peaceful in their protests and urged the people to strive for their rights and emboldened them with his "I Have a Dream sentences. King's use of imagery helps show the picture that was happening with the black men. His use of imagery at certain points at various instances of the speech helps the reader to identify the reality the black men face. Now he starts his speech by using a reference of Lincoln's famous speech in the 19th century which many people believed to be the best at that time and now he tactically started by using that reference in his speech, giving his speech credibility of being worthy. The use of imagery has been fluent in the whole speech and he starts off in his introductory paragraph by using terms like "daybreak" and "beacon light." Shortly after that the tone dips into disappointment when stating that Negros aren't free from the chains of discrimination and still he vividly use imagery as this his main style and in disappointment he executes that this is the purpose of gathering here. The speaker then again start by using a metaphor "check by which he means that the Negros were given a promise that they will be treated equally and that they will not be discriminated. King refers the Government of America as a "bank and the Negros are here to "cash a check just like in usual terms we get money but here he wants justice and their check bounced back as the bank showed the sign of insufficient funds stating that the bank of justice is empty but the speaker refuses to believe that the government is bankrupt. While the speaker is trying