In the middle and during the dark ages, a deadly pandemic hit Europe that sent people running for their lives. A more recent pandemic happened only 40 years ago. It hit first in the form of AIDS in Africa, then travelled to the United States. Although many centuries separated the Black Death and AIDS peoples reaction to diseases have not changed. When the Black Death traveled to Europe, it came on rats from ships. People were terrified of how long it would take to catch this awful disease. If a family member started showing symptoms of the disease the family would either help them or abandon them, they would leave them to die. The people only wanted to save themselves. The citizens of these towns would not think about the people around them. Some tried to tame the outbreak of the disease by fleeing the town. People were told to only wash their hand and feet because washing your body would open up the pores. The pope told people to avoid sleeping in the day and to avoid exercising. These activities would both make you hot and sweaty. Society believed that this pandemic was the cause of the foreign traders, the Italians. With the Italians fleeing Europe the trade became scarce and the people were worried. With the Italians gone people started to realize that this wasnt from them but a punishment from God. Some people organized groups to rid their sins, they were called the flagellants. They would travel to towns and whip themselves free of their sins. With more people dying the majority of society, the serfs or the poorer people, were wearing more expensive clothing. They could move up in the hierarchy while the homosexuals accused for the cause of AIDS possibly went down in the hierarchy. On the other hand, AIDS in North America. When society did not find out about this disease it was not until women and children started to show symptoms. This was because the media did not care until this mark. The media did not care because this dise